Friday 12 July 2013

ABRAM - Task 1.1 - Part 1: Literature review on motorcycle crashes in Australia

This update on the research activity presents a synthesis of the literature review regarding motorcycle and moped crashes in Australia.

Synthetic chart

Link to Part II (world wide)


  • Anderson, R.W.G., Hutchinson, T.P., Linke, B., Ponte, G., 2011. Analysis of crash data to estimate the benefits of emerging vehicle technology. CASR Report Series. The University of Adelaide, pp. 85.
  • Bambach, M.R., Grzebieta, R.H., Mcintosh, A.S., 2012. Injury typology of fatal motorcycle collisions with roadside barriers in australia and new zealand. Accid Anal Prev 49, 253-60.
  • Bambach, M.R., Grzebieta, R.H., Mcintosh, A.S., 2013. The crash mechanics of fatal motorcycle–barrier collisions in australasia. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security 5 (1), 66-77.
  • Bayly, M., Regan, M., Hosking, S.G., 2006. Intelligent transport systems and motorcycle safety. Monash University Accident Research Centre.
  • Beanland, V., Fitzharris, M., Young, K.L., LennĂ©, M.G., 2013. Driver inattention and driver distraction in serious casualty crashes: Data from the australian national crash in-depth study. Accident Analysis & Prevention 54 (0), 99-107.
  • Blackman, R.A., Haworth, N.L., 2013. Comparison of moped, scooter and motorcycle crash risk and crash severity. Accid Anal Prev 57, 1-9.
  • Broadley, C., Hawkins, A., 2011. Older motorcycle rider safety in queensland. Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference. Perth.
  • Candappa, N., Symmons, M., Becker, L., 2009. Descriptive analysis of vic motorcycle count data. Monash University Accident Research Centre.
  • Cunningham, G., Chenik, D., Zellweger, R., 2012. Factors influencing motorcycle crash victim outcomes: A prospective study. ANZ J Surg 82 (7-8), 551-4.
  • Day, L., Lenne, M.G., Symmons, M., Hillard, P., Newstead, S., Allen, T., Mcclure, R., 2013. Population based case-control study of serious non fatal motorcycle crashes. BMC public health 13 (1), 6.
  • De Rome, L., Ivers, R., Fitzharris, M., Du, W., Haworth, N., Heritier, S., Richardson, D., 2011a. Motorcycle protective clothing: Protection from injury or just the weather? Accid Anal Prev 43 (6), 1893-900. De Rome, L., Ivers, R., Fitzharris, M., Haworth, N., Heritier, S., Richardson, D., 2012. Effectiveness of motorcycle protective clothing: Riders' health outcomes in the six months following a crash. Injury 43 (12), 2035-45.
  • De Rome, L., Ivers, R., Haworth, N., Heritier, S., Du, W., Fitzharris, M., 2011b. Novice riders and the predictors of riding without motorcycle protective clothing. Accid Anal Prev 43 (3), 1095-103.
  • Frechede, B., Mcintosh, A.S., Grzebieta, R., Bambach, M.R., 2011. Characteristics of single vehicle rollover fatalities in three australian states (2000-2007). Accid Anal Prev 43 (3), 804-12.
  • Gabauer, D.J., Gabler, H.C., 2010. The effects of airbags and seatbelts on occupant injury in longitudinal barrier crashes. Journal of Safety Research 41 (1), 9-15.
  • Habibovic, A., Davidsson, J., 2011. Requirements of a system to reduce car-to-vulnerable road user crashes in urban intersections. Accident Analysis & Prevention 43 (4), 1570-1580.
  • Harrison, W.A., Christie, R., 2005. Exposure survey of motorcyclists in new south wales. Accid Anal Prev 37 (3), 441-51.
  • Haworth, N., 2012. Powered two wheelers in a changing world-challenges and opportunities. Accid Anal Prev 44 (1), 12-8.
  • Haworth, N., Debnath, A.K., 2013. How similar are two-unit bicycle and motorcycle crashes? Accid Anal Prev 58C, 15-25.
  • Haworth, N., Greig, K., Nielson, A., 2009. Comparison of risk taking in moped and motorcycle crashes. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2140 (-1), 182-187.
  • Haworth, N., Mulvihill, C., Symmons, M., 2002. Motorcycling after 30. Monash University Accident Research Centre, pp. 88.
  • Haworth, N., Smith, R., Brumen, I., 1997. Case-control study of motorcycle crashes. The Federal Office of Road Safety, pp. 261.
  • Jama, H.H., Grzebieta, R.H., Friswell, R., Mcintosh, A.S., 2011. Characteristics of fatal motorcycle crashes into roadside safety barriers in australia and new zealand. Accid Anal Prev 43 (3), 652-60.
  • Kardamanidis, K., Martiniuk, A., Ivers, R., Stevenson, M.R., Thistlethwaite, K., 2010. Motorcycle rider training for the prevention of road traffic crashes. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.
  • Keall, M.D., Newstead, S., 2012. Analysis of factors that increase motorcycle rider risk compared to car driver risk. Accid Anal Prev 49, 23-9.
  • Keall, M.D., Newstead, S., 2013. The potential effectiveness of young driver high-performance vehicle restrictions as used in australia. Accid Anal Prev 52, 154-61.
  • Mccarthy, M., Walter, L., Hutchins, R., Tong, R., Keigan, M., 2007. Comparative analysis of motorcycle accident data from ots and maids TRL Limited.
  • Mcintosh, A.S., Pang, T.Y., Thai, K., Schilter, E., Rechnitzer, G., Finch, C.F., Mccrory, P., 2010. Crash characteristics of helmeted motocyclists. Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference. Canberra, Australian Capital Territory.
  • Meuleners, L.B., Lee, A.H., Haworth, C., 2007. Road environment, crash type and hospitalisation of bicyclists and motorcyclists presented to emergency departments in western australia. Accid Anal Prev 39 (6), 1222-5.
  • Mikocka-Walus, A., Gabbe, B., Cameron, P., 2010. Motorcycle-related major trauma: On-road versus off-road incidence and profile of cases. Emerg Med Australas 22 (5), 470-6.
  • Pai, C.W., 2011. Motorcycle right-of-way accidents--a literature review. Accid Anal Prev 43 (3), 971-82.
  • Rizzi, M., Strandroth, J., Tingvall, C., 2009. The effectiveness of antilock brake systems on motorcycles in reducing real-life crashes and injuries. Traffic Inj Prev 10 (5), 479-87.
  • Senserrick, T., De Rome, L., 2011. Factors associated with motorcycle crashes in new south wales, australia, 2004 to 2008. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2265 (-1), 54-61.
  • Siskind, V., Steinhardt, D., Sheehan, M., O'connor, T., Hanks, H., 2011. Risk factors for fatal crashes in rural australia. Accid Anal Prev 43 (3), 1082-8. 
  • Talbot, R., Fagerlind, H., Morris, A., Exploring inattention and distraction in the safetynet accident causation database. Accident Analysis & Prevention (0).
  • Traffic Accident Commission, 2013. Motorcycle crash data.
  • Tunnicliff, D.J., Watson, B.C., White, K.M., Hyde, M.K., Schonfeld, C.C., Wishart, D.E., 2012. Understanding the factors influencing safe and unsafe motorcycle rider intentions. Accid Anal Prev 49, 133-41.
  • Walton, D., Buchanan, J., 2011. Motorcycle speeds at urban intersections. Australasian Policing Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference.
  • Walton, D., Buchanan, J., 2012. Motorcycle and scooter speeds approaching urban intersections. Accid Anal Prev 48, 335-40.
  • Walton, D., Buchanan, J., Murray, S.J., 2013. Exploring factors distinguishing car-versus-car from car-versus-motorcycle in intersection crashes. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 17, 145-153.
  • Weissenfeld, A., Baldock, M., Hutchinson, P., 2010. Analysis of trends over time for motorcycle crashes in south australia. University of Adelaide, pp. 11.
  • White, D., Lang, J., Russell, G., Tetsworth, K., Harvey, K., Bellamy, N., 2013. A comparison of injuries to moped/scooter and motorcycle riders in queensland, australia. Injury 44 (6), 855-62.
  • Wilson, S.J., Begg, D.J., Samaranayaka, A., 2012. Validity of using linked hospital and police traffic crash records to analyse motorcycle injury crash characteristics. Accid Anal Prev 49, 30-5.

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